SPCSC Strategic Plan

On September 23, 2021 the Commission adopted a revised Strategic Plan for Chartering and Authorizing of Public Charter Schools . Click here to view the revised Strategic Plan.

The mission of the Commission is to authorize high-quality public charter schools throughout Hawaiʻi by soliciting, evaluating, and approving applications for new schools; negotiating and executing sound school contracts; monitoring performance and legal compliance of our schools; and determining renewal, nonrenewal, or revocation of their charter contracts.

Our vision is to authorize, actualize, and amplify high-quality diverse educational options that prepare students for future academic or career success as contributing members of our community, and through our work, inform, enhance, and contribute to Hawaiʻi’s public education system.


The Commission, as a Hawaiʻi state agency, in fulfillment of its responsibilities, obligations and service to the people of Hawaiʻi, will operate with the “Aloha Spirit” as defined in Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes, Chapter 5, Section 5-7.5:

  • Akahai (kindness with tenderness),
  • Lōkahi (unity with harmony),
  • ‘Oluʻolu (agreeable with pleasantness),
  • Haʻahaʻa (humility with modesty), and
  • Ahonui (patience with perseverance).

Additionally, the Commission adopts the following overarching values that augment the “Aloha Spirit” and describes the Commission’s beliefs and ethos:

We believe that our work results in the blossoming of our schools
we are tied to our schools
we do this work for accountability and uprightness at all times
Mohala i ka wai ka maka o ka pua.*
Unfolded by the water are the faces of the flowers.
Flowers thrive where there is water, as thriving people are found where living conditions are good.
Pili ʻohā, he kāmau mai mawaho.*
A taro off-shoot relationship added to the outside of the corm.
One who was not a relative, yet is a member of the household.
He ʻike ʻana ia i ka pono.*
It is a recognizing of the right thing.
One has seen the right thing to do and has done it.

*Pukui, Mary Kawena. ʻŌlelo Noʻeau, Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings. Bishop Museum Press. Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. 1983


The Commission’s three goals for implementing its Strategic Plan embodies a continuous improvement process, within each goal and among all three goals, moving it to higher and greater efficacy, to attain its vision through its mission.

Goal 1
To attain a public charter school portfolio representing high-quality, diverse educational opportunities for students and their families.
To maintain a high-quality, diverse public charter school portfolio of schools that meet statutory and contractual expectations.
To sustain a high-quality, diverse public charter school portfolio that contributes to Hawaiʻi's public education system.

On July 14, 2022, the Commission approved the definition of high-quality charter schools and diverse educational opportunities for the purpose of Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan.

On May 25, 2023, the Commission approved the Characteristics of Innovative Practices in Public Charter Schools for the purpose of Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan.