The Commission's Organizational Chart
This chart represents the organizational structure of the State Public Charter School Commission office.

Federal Programs Team provides technical assistance and adaptive supports to build the capacity of charter schools to implement continuous school improvement processes and provide expanded opportunities for students.
The Operations Team provides high level fiscal services to public charter schools that are customer-focused and which uphold State and federal fiduciary requirements and regulations and generally accepted accounting principles.
The Frameworks team monitors school compliance with the contract through communication and assessment of data with performance. The team keeps the Commission informed on the health of the schools and their contracts by bringing audits and compliance issues to their attention in meeting planning and placing requests for amendments on the agenda. The data collected also facilitates communication between governmental agencies and their requirements. The Frameworks team also deals with contract renewal and applications. Data collected on the health of contracts not only help with specific contract renewals, but contributes to helping create an application future where targeted RFPs will be added to the system.
The Communications & Services Team was created to assist Hawaiʻi Public Charter Schools:
Centralized support for charter schools to fulfill being a charter school/state agency, by:
- Providing contact information to resources
- Disseminating topic specific information (trainings, online repository)
- Facilitating the inclusion of charter schools in systems of support that are already formed (relationships/partnerships)
- The Services Team, like the rest of SPCSC, is here to support you in fulfilling the requirements of a charter school/state agency.
Fondly identified as the “customer service” branch of the office, the Services Team provides charter schools with information and resources on day-to-day school operations including, but not limited to, health and safety, compliance requirements, collective bargaining, English Language Learners, and student homelessness. We do this by providing relevant professional development opportunities, cultivating collaborative relationships with external entities such as HIDOE, and collecting data from schools to identify areas where we can support them. Our team fulfills a critical role of support for schools to meet our office mission of authorizing high quality public charter schools.
The Early Learning Team supports charter schools as they implement high-quality early learning programs that instills the love of learning by engaging and motivating students & families. The Commission is Moving Towards a P-3 (Preschool to Grade 3+) Early Learning Model of Support