Aloha, staff and families of Hālau Lōkahi,
We are contacting you once more to urge you yet again to act as quickly as possible to enroll Hālau Lōkahi’s students in their new schools. Although the Commission will pay Hālau Lōkahi staff through January 31, 2015, every day a child still reports to Hālau Lōkahi is a day later he or she will start the new semester at his or her new school. In addition, as the school’s students are transferring to their new schools, the remaining openings for public charter schools and for geographic exceptions to attend Department of Education (DOE) schools other than the child’s DOE home school are being filled.
Families who are interested in online learning at Myron B. Thompson Academy (MBTA) must act immediately. As you know, Hālau Lōkahi students in grades 7-12 have been invited to transfer to MBTA, and many have done so. MBTA does not have any openings in grades K-6. All students must submit enrollment paperwork to MBTA, with supporting documents including transcripts, by 4:00 p.m. this coming Tuesday, January 20, 2015. Students are not automatically enrolled at MBTA because they were in Hālau Lōkahi’s online program. Please contact the school for more information, assistance, and an explanation of the school’s virtual program.
Every child is entitled to attend his or her DOE home school at any time, regardless of the school’s enrollment situation. The DOE and personnel at these schools are aware of the situation at Hālau Lōkahi and are ready to help. But they, too, are anxious to welcome these students as soon as possible so that they can get the best possible start. The DOE’s online School Finder will identify the child’s home school by his or her address.
Again, families that still are in need of assistance can contact the Commission office at or (808) 586-3775.
State Public Charter School Commission
ʻAha Kula Hoʻāmana