Kona Pacific Public Charter School Parents, Families, Faculty, and Staff

​Dear Kona Pacific Public Charter School Ohana:

​This letter is to notify you that the Hawaii State Public Charter School Commission voted last Thursday, March 14, 2019, to initiate the revocation process for Kona Pacific Public Charter School (KPPCS). The revocation of KPPCS’s charter contract would result in the closure of the school.

​The Commission took action to initiate the revocation of KPPCS’s charter contract due to significant concerns that the school failed to comply with the provisions of the law, specifically, the school:

• committed material and substantial violations of the terms, conditions, standards, or procedures required under Section 302D-18, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and the State Public Charter School Contract;

• failed to meet sufficient progress toward performance expectations set forth in the contract;

• failed to meet generally accepted accounting procedures of fiscal management; or

• substantially violated any material provisions of law from which the charter is not exempted.

The Commission’s concerns include but are not limited to:

• Commingling of funds between the school and the non-profit, Friends of Kona Pacific Public Charter School (FKPPCS)

• Continuous overpayment of lease rent from KPPCS to FKPPCS for every year except school year 2016-2017

• Fronting money to FKPPCS to cover FKPPCS cash flow problems

• Failure to maintain sufficient funds to cover the school’s payroll as evidenced by its bank statement showing a negative <$18,586.97> balance on July 20, 2018.

• Evidence of FKPPCS driving the financial decisions of the school’s governing board

• Conflicts of interest and ethical concerns with governing board and employees of the school

• Improperly seated governing board of KPPCS that was constituted in violation of state law regarding charter school governing boards (HRS 302D-12(h)), thereby calling into question the legitimacy of the actions taken by the current KPPCS governing board.

The Notice of Prospect of Revocation is the first step in a process. The Commission is committed to keeping you informed especially for students and families and staff.

The most up to date information regarding KPPCS will be provided on the Commission’s website, www.chartercommission.hawaii.gov. You also are welcome to contact the Commission office at info@spcsc.hawaii.gov or (808) 586-3775. Staff will be available to assist you in answering your questions.

Very truly yours,

John S.S. Kim


State Public Charter School Commission

Sione Thompson

Executive Director

State Public Charter School Commission